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Community Organization for Development (COD)


Community Trainings

Community Organization for Development commits itself to help the community by providing trainings in Agriculture knowledge and Skills; COD carries outreach program where it trains farmers on farm in basic agriculture skills such as land selection, preparations and planting, crop hygiene, pre and post-harvest handling, livestock keeping trainings, treatment, beekeeping and honey production, fish ponds design and fish management, pests and diseases management


Income Generation

Income Generating Activity training skills and Support; COD train women in income generating activities such as establishing a business like restaurant, tea selling, retailer shop, and provide start-up kit or capital


Improving Farming Skills

"Community Organization for Development” is both our name and a statement of our purpose.
Our goal is to dramatically improve material conditions for people struggling to make ends meet in South Sudan, and we have a 15-year plan to do so.
On the path ahead, our role is to fuse the power of farmers with bold ideas a three-dimensional power that we believe is the recipe for agriculture where everyone can thrive.

Our Guiding Philosophy, Mandate, Vision and Goal

Guiding Philosophy

The Philosophy of COD is based in the reality that natural resources are the foundations of social economic well-being of every human person and that environmental and human justice are vital for sustainable development.


To nurture people’s capacities and capabilities in using available resources to develop sustainable livelihoods for a dignified life.


Mobirise offers several themes that include sliders, galleries, article blocks, counters, accordions, video and many more.


A just society living in harmony with her environment and God


To promote and achieve a just society that lives in harmony with her environment and God through the promotion of sustainable livelihoods and sustainable development.

Core Values


Transparency and Accountability

COD has embarked on a transparency journey to enhance the comprehensiveness, quality and frequency of its financial and results data publications. This includes applying the data standards established by the UN for reporting financial data



COD uses uses intergrity to describe the foundational value that is the engine behind getting things done in our organization. It is the collective version of individual integrity where “I will do what I say I will do” becomes “We will do what we say we will do.”



Honesty isn’t simply the best policy—it’s the only way to build a successful organization. A culture of honesty results in more than merely “happy” workplaces, and a deep-seated respect and expectation for honesty makes COD more successful and more profitable especially to the people of South Sudan.


Work Ethics

Workplace ethics are important because they keep all members of an organization accountable for their actions. Maintaining a strong, ethical code creates a sense of security through boundaries for COD Members / employees. It also enables management to make decisions that benefit COD as a whole while meeting the needs of people of South Sudan.


Teamwork and Collective Responsibility

In the effort to boost work productivity and improve work relationships, COD's  dream is to create empowered teams as working units for their companies. In line with these efforts, task delegation and accountability become more diffused as teams are created within the organization. As a result, the lines of accountability may become more obscured.


Respect for Human Dignity

Human dignity captures the notion that every human being is uniquely valuable and therefore COD ought to accord the highest respect and care to the people of South Sudan

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